We help Dental and Orthodontist
Practices Get 20+ New Patients
Every Month
With Our Proven
Paid Acquisition System.

Stop wasting time and money on faulty and
ineffective ad campaigns.

It's time to make your ad-budget count,
increase your revenue and scale your practice.

Our Philosophy

If you’re not running paid ads, you’re missing
an opportunity to acquire new patients in
your area.

How much peace of mind would you have if
you knew every month you’d have a
consistent amount of new patients? How
would an increase in sales every month
impact your practice?

Our Philosophy

If you’re not running paid ads, you’re missing
an opportunity to acquire new patients in
your area.

How much peace of mind would you have if
you knew every month you’d have a
consistent amount of new patients?
would an increase in sales every month
impact your practice?

What We Offer
Ads. Just Ads.

We do one thing, and we do it with an
unwavering focus and better than anyone

If you want an agency that offers a full-
service solution to everything that won’tmove the needle forward, we’re not for you.

If you're seeking an agency that can quickly
set up a targeted ad campaign, craft
compelling marketing copy, and instantly
attract new leads and patients to your
practice – we’re the perfect fit for you.

We provide Dentists with booked
appointments with patients straight to their
calendar. No more asking existing patients
for referrals, renting billboards or searching
for patients on your own.

With our system you will have inbound
patients coming in regularly. We have an
efficient, stream-lined process which will
keep your calendar stacked.

Mastery Demands Focus, So...
We don’t offer any of these services...

  • Content Creation
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Instagram Growth
  • PR Service

We only offer these services that bring in
Patients immediately...

  • Advertising your clinic with highly
    targeted ads in your community and
    your city
  • Generating highly motivated leads using
    landing pages
  • Nurturing leads into appointments
  • Converting appointments into booked

Schedule your call with our team

Free 30-Minute Demo Call

By the end of this demo call, you will
have a clear understanding of the next
steps you can take for your practice to
start generating consistent and reliable
results online with our Paid Acquisition

Find a time on our calendar to schedule
your call today. We look forward to
speaking to you soon!

Have A General Inquiry?

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak
to our expert team, you can contact us via email at: hassan@nexahealthglobal.com